Friday, 30 September 2011


It feels like ages since I did a blog post, so I felt it was time to update. A lots been going off behind the scenes at the moment (all will be revealed soon) as regards to an EP, anyway, all will be revealed at a later date...

(not from the gig, just an idea of the guitar bars atmosphere)

On Wednesday evening I set off to play at the guitar bar in Nottingham. I got my satnav at the ready, picked up the boyfriend, and headed up to Nottingham (Clumber St). I had never been to the guitar bar before but I did know a few people who'd played there before and said it was a nice little venue.

The gig was kind of last minute just to get a feel for the place and the sort of people there are to work with. Organised by Neil Atkinson of NA Music the night was full of great talent, and a real pleasure to share the stage with.

First on was Marc Reeves, a folk singer-songwriter from Nottingham with simply awesome songs and a really relaxing, mature voice. Infact I was listening to my Chilli Peppers CD in the car and the intro to 'Road Trippin' really reminds me of my favourite song of Marcs - Judgement Day. You can check him out on youtube and facebook so if you like Folk music with some great guitar combinations, go go go!

Second up was Daniel Graham. Coincidentally me, Daniel and Marc all played at Rescue Rooms (Acoustic Rooms) last week which was the first time we met, so it was lovely to see them again! Daniels voice reminds me of a cross between Jamie Scott and James Morrison, its really unique and really rather soulful. He sings every word like he means it, and his originals are truly fantastic with well thought out, catchy lyrics and tunes. He also included a very stylish, unique cover of Otis Readings' classic 'Sitting on the dock of the bay.' A voice to watch for the future I'd say...

Next was...ME (Becky Lovatt)! I ended up playing a 5 tune set, doing 3 covers (Scientist, Songbird and my take on the song House of The Rising Sun), and 2 originals (Alive and I've Had Enough... both of which are on my youtube channel BEX9637). I thought it went really well and I got positive feedback afterwards so hey, I cant complain!

Next up was Mr. Chris Reeve with his fantastic banjo skills... It was actually a really refreshing change after an evening of all guitars to have something a bit different, and his skills were pretty impressive! I will definitely be going to another gig, mainly because I do love that sort of music and its something completely different to whats on the 'scene' at the moment!

Last up was Micheal Lynch... I wasn't really sure what to expect at first as I'd never stumbled across Micheal's music, but it was a very pleasant surprise. A soulful, soothing voice mixed with great guitar skills really makes me a happy bunny! I loved his original songs, and he even threw in part of a cover of Alicia keys 'No One,' which I know from singing myself is a tough song, let alone for a guy!

All in all the night was packed FULL of talent. If you ever get a chance to see any of these guys around Nottingham or anywhere else, get down because you wont be disappointed.

Thanks to everyone who played, the sound guy at the Guitar Bar who did a great job, and to Neil who organised it all. I, personally, can't wait for the next one!

B x

PS photos ARE NOT from the night!!! x

Saturday, 17 September 2011


So, its been a while since I've done a proper music blog - usually its just me babbling about my recent gigs and songs/covers... I appologise! Today, I'm focusing on real music. The sort of music which doesnt need lots of digital tweaking to make a voice in tune, or effect after effect to make a band sound energetic and in time...

My first love, although many see it as very geeky (I dont really care), is classical music. Currently I'm listening to Ludovica Einduadi's album a lot, and playing a few of his peices on my keyboard (its like a portable grand piano)... I Giorni is by far my favourite ever song, if you've never heard it, heres a clip i found on youtube... if your emotional, this piece of music will definitely bring a tear to your eye and make you think! Truely beautiful...

 Im off to the classical spectacular at the Royal Albert Hall in November, and I'm kinda hoping they play this!!! Im so looking forward to it. I started off playing classical music at about the age of 6 or 7, and it will always have a place in my heart. It amazes me how just one instrument can make you feel a whole array of emotion... Anyway, on to my next piece i wanted to direct you to...

This next piece just makes me cry everytime I hear it, its my favourite song by Andrea Bocelli, I just find it so touching, even though half of it I dont actually know what precisely they're saying, It doesnt matter, and I just find that so amazing about matter what language you speak, you can all share music together...

This next one is a little more 'mainstream' shall we say, but I absolutely love this guy... Damien Rice is just an amazing guitarist, songwriter, and musician in general... this song just speaks for itself, its beautifully written, its timeless, and its emotive, what more could you want from an artist!?

FINALLY, I get to a choir who are just amazing at covering rock songs, but putting a choir twist on them to make them super emotional! If you watch a lot of ITV, you'll have heard their songs on the Downton Abbey adverts, I'll leave you with this fantastic cover (from the second series of Downton Abbey), enjoy...

Anyway, leave your comments :)

Saturday, 10 September 2011

10 Years Since 9/11...

So tomorrow it will be ten years since the awful tragedy of 9/11, and I dont know what to say. Time seems to have flown past and I still remember the day like it was yesterday. This week the TV channels have been crammed with different documentaries, both hard hitting, sad, and some a little inappropriate, but none the less, you couldnt switch on the tv without remembering the awful day.

So, I wrote a tribute - to all those people who lost their lives, rest in peace, your gone but never forgotten... I'll leave you with my tribute because I dont think there is much else I can say...

Sunday, 4 September 2011


Yesterday, as some will know if you follow the blog, I did a 'Party In the Park' event in my village (which is quite a large village, so it was pretty good!). It went very well, only one very minor mistake on my part which I dont believe anyone but my Dad (typical) noticed... So I'll keep quiet about what it was ;) lol

Anyway, the sun was kinda shining, the wind was blowing, the people were gathering and the beer was flowing! I was on about 1pm, and did a half an hour set...

I did three covers (the scientist, many of horror, jar of hearts), and three original songs off my new EP (Alive, Everybody, I've Had Enough)... Here's a link to a montage of all the songs (editted by myself so its not great :P), but it gives you a good picture really! (Thankyou to my Dad for filming the whole set)!!!!

Anyway so thats a sneak peek of my set, which I will be changing for my next gig on 19th Sept at The Rescue Rooms, Nottingham...starts at about 8pm so get yourselves down!!!

Let me know what you think anyway, and dont forget to visit my website:

Love B xox