Monday, 17 October 2011


I'll keep it short and sweet, but basically I saw Katy Perry's performance on X Factor last night, and I loved the song, so I gave it a go!!!

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Lots of gigs coming up - find out where I am go to


Friday, 7 October 2011


So tonight sees the launch of the new range from 'Bekl Motivation Bracelets.' As I'm sure you all know, this is my company which is why its appearing on a music blog... oops!

Anyway, the range launched tonight, with 5 different designs with superb quality designer Clarke & Clarke fabric. Each design is still only £2.99 and you can still have any quote you like on the bracelet... There is also a twist to the designer bracelets range. There is only 20 per design, and when they have gone, that design will not be back! So your bracelet will only be 1 of 20 ever made! once the design has run out, it will be replaced with a completely different one, so there is only ever a maximum of 5 designs to choose from. It makes your bracelet truly unique, especially as you can still have a custom made quote for the same price!!

Also, when we get to 300+ followers on twitter ( @beklbracelets ) we will be doing a designer bracelet giveaway, so its worth giving us a follow for your chance to win a limited edition designer bracelet!!!

I'll leave you with the picture of the new range. The 5 designs can be bought and viewed on the website and if you have any questions please email me using the address on there, comment below, or tweet us @beklbracelets

The 5 designs are : Teacups, Bird, Scotty Dog, Brown Flower and stripe...