- Coldplay have been asked to open the Olympic 2012 ceremony with an originally penned song, set to be 'inspirational.' I can assure you now, that if Coldplay and Chris Martin have anything to do with the writing of it, it will be just that and more, i cant wait for a new Coldplay song! Shame il have to wait until next year at this rate...
- Lady GaGas new video for Judas is supposed to be a video to retell the bible...great...
- Cher Lloyds (left) new album is set to be released on August 18th and has been labelled as 'ingenious.' Shes worked with producers such as the runners and redone, taken dubstep influences, and taken on a whole new personna from the pictures iv seen this week for wonderland magazine...still dont like her though!
- Beverly Knight has announced a new album 'Soul UK' to be released on June 28th...YES! Finally, i cant wait for more vocal acrobatics from this diva, what a voice, what a woman!
- Kanye West turns into a scarf designer and teams up with Parisian designers M/M...i await this outcome!
Jessie J apparently doesnt care about the fame, she doesnt want it, but from what i can gather from the reveiw in the Times, thats far from how she reacts at her concerts! Apprently making out like hes gods gift to music, the reveiw wasnt exactly sparkling...i shall have to see her in concert to make up my own mind on that one i think!
- Jay Sean is, according to polls, the most watched brit on youtube, im sure we have better UK talent?!
- It was the 17th anniversary of Kurt Cobains death on 5th April, with many stars paying tributes in their own way, including a tribute from Jared Leto among others. Im sure im not the only one who misses his music and incredible talent.
And that rounds up the weeks news!!!
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